More 4th Cousin Magic - Diamonds in the Rough

“What value are those distant cousins to me?”, you ask?

If you haven’t read last month’s blog “The Magical Connection with 3rd and 4th Cousins”, you need to. Why? Because it answers your question.

Yes, it’s true… 4th cousins are your “family history sweet spot!”

1988… Mission possible?

When I first started discovering my family roots 35 years ago, I made many cold calls. I knocked on doors of strangers and I spent countless hours walking among the dead. (I confess – I’m a taphophile, a lover of cemeteries). Hopefully, you’ll be able to use that word to amaze your friends on Trivia Night.

And my mission was…?

To find EVERY Roederer in the US and link them back to ONE SINGLE ANCESTOR.

OK, I agree with you… that is weird and not very realistic. However, my unrealistic goal, coupled with determination, persistence and the incredible kindness of strangers made me what I am today… a professional family researcher, educator and motivational speaker.

4th Cousins… the family history “sweet spot”

Last month if you’ll recall, I gave you a little teaser about another magical story that just might make you start combing through YOUR DNA cousin matches. If you are still doubting the value of connecting with 4th cousins after reading my last blog… (Hint: make sure you didn’t miss that one)

Well, you’ll be a believer after I share with you what happened about 4 months ago with another 4th cousin.

Phone call out of the blue… “Hi Rhonda! It’s Cousin Bruce”

Enter Cousin Bruce. He is from another Roederer immigrant line. He descends from Ludwig “Louis” Roederer, who was a brother of my 2X-great, Christian Roederer. One by one, eight of the nine adult siblings came to Louisville, KY in the 1850’s.

I had been in touch via email with Cousin Bruce for a few years but only met him once – the 2018 Roederer Reunion with over 200 attendees.

The phone rang and the conversation began like this…

Bruce:  “Hi Rhonda! It’s Cousin Bruce.”

Me:  “Hi Bruce, so good to hear from you.”

Bruce:  “My sister and I were cleaning out the last of Mom’s stuff (she passed away in March of 2022) and came across some things that we think should belong to you.”

Me:  “OK, you’ve got my attention.”

Bruce:  “Mom had some silver spoons. I don’t know where they came from but they’re old and are engraved with the initials “CR”.

He emailed me pictures of these six silver spoons with a close-up of the pattern name and engraving. Bruce and I both did research to pin down the date of the spoons and found this pattern was only made in 1875.

Who could the “CR” be?

Clue #1 – The only surname in Bruce’s lineage beginning with “R” is Roederer, his 2X-great grandfather, Ludwig Roederer.

Clue #2 – The only first name of a descendant of our Roederer immigrants’ parents (our 3X-great grandparents) that begins with “C” is CHRISTIAN ROEDERER.

Clue #3 – There are two other descendants named Christian Roederer, but only one who would be old enough to purchase silver spoons in 1875… none other than my immigrant ancestor, Christian Roederer (1832 – 1913).

I’d like you to meet Christian and Katharina Roederer.

What a privilege it is to have a piece of my family history that I can hold, knowing the people pictured here held and treasured these items too.

Bruce mailed the spoons to me along with two precious German bisque figurines that always had a special place of honor in his grandmother’s home.

I don’t know if Bruce will truly know how much these family heirlooms mean to me. I’m still in awe of his amazing thoughtfulness!

Visit from Cousin Bruce!

If Bruce had realized that he would be taking a road trip from Louisville to the Carolinas two months later, he would have just hand-carried them to me. But what a surprise to see him again after 4½ years!

And here is another aspect of the magic of distant cousins. Just because of a DNA connection, homes and hearts are opened without strings attached. I have probably hosted 50+ cousins overnight and more than 40 have reciprocated. I have stayed with new-found cousins in Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, California, Virginia, Missouri and even Alaska and Germany. I’m probably missing a few states, but you get the idea… my research has led me to people and places I never dreamed imaginable!

You may ask, “Have you come across some whack-a-doodle cousins?”

Absolutely! Every family has them! And if you think yours is whack-free… think again! You just haven’t researched enough or looked at the right sources. Some families have more than others; however, these characters give me lots of good material for my presentations and blogs; not to mention they make me appreciate the other cousins all the more.

Come to think of it… perhaps some think I AM that whack-a-doodle cousin in the family! If we all had “normal” family members, just think of how boring our stories would be. It is fun to add color to your family’s history by showcasing those “colorful characters”! Which reminds me… I need to share some Dora stories with you soon.

Oh my! I just heard an audible gasp from THAT line of the Roederer family.

Yes, I’m going to do it! Soon, we’re going to celebrate Dora and parade all of her eccentricities and shortcomings proudly, just like it’s Mardi Gras… loud and proud! Start thinking about which colorful ancestor you want to showcase.

 ROOTSTECH Recap – Yes, it was an incredible experience!

I hope all of you took advantage of attending RootsTech virtually. If any of you were there in person, please give me a shout-out.  

There were over three million attendees expected for both virtually and in-person world-wide. I had over 51,000 “relatives at RootsTech”, so I do not doubt the total number of attendees. Actual numbers will be coming out soon.

I can’t wait to share all that I learned… new websites, research tips, new features on our old go-to websites. It’s always a pleasure to visit in person with some of my favorite genie gurus who I only get to see in my computer.

May all your connections be happy ones!


Rhonda RoedererComment